A New Journey

Thursday, October 21, 2004

2004 Red Sox Vs Yankees - Game 7 ALCS

Wow. What a great game. What a great feeling, especially after last year's heartbreaking loss. I wrote a post on the Red Sox last year too (search archive). Just when hope dimmed in this ALCS series (down 3-0; game 3 was especially tough to watch with the way that Yankees slaughtered us with their 19 runs), the Red Sox came back with a vengence and made history. Wow. It's unbelievable. I haven't gotten much sleep for the last weeks or so. I have been staying up night after night, anxiously watching the games and hoping that we don't have to taste the disappointment this time around. If we had lost this year, I know it would have been painful because we are within grasp of reaching the World Series. This down-and-up journey, combined with our emotional attachment, would sting (again) had we lost. It's a a great reversal of fortune. I couldn't keep a silly grin off my face all day.

On the flip side, Yankees fans must be pretty devastated, since they could have close out the game since game 4. I have nothing against Yankees fans (some of my colleagues are Yankees fan), but in order for Boston to advance to the WS, we need to beat the Yankees. It's long overdue so I'm thrilled we beat the Yankees and made history. Admittedly, it's rather strange to see anxious Yankees fans (during the game) and disappointed fans (after the game). Those are the same feelings we know very well, and it was just odd to see because it's actually not us for a change.

I was pretty nervous during Game 7 of this series, even after we have secured a 6 run lead in the first couple of innings. I felt unsettled until the final out is recorded (Ok, I felt a lot at ease when we're at ninth inning with a 7-run lead and 2 outs recorded), because...must I remind you of last year? We were only 5 outs away when the Yankees came back to win it on Aaron Boone's home run. Even though we had a commanding lead this time around, but I can bet that most Red Sox fans felt the same way until it's really over. It is fitting that we won this year. It's pay back time for last year. One team has to lose, and as fans, hearts are going to be broken either way. For a change, though, I'm glad we're on the winning end.

World Series this Saturday....here we go!

I'm hoping that we could win against the winner of the National League (Astro and Cardinals are playing right now as I'm typing this), but either way, (like last year), I'm just really proud of the Boston team.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

it's amazing. i'm actually a little disappointed that i haven't updated this blog as often as i'd liked. but there are just so many things on my mind. there are just so many things to do. i guess i do have the time, but i just "feel" like i don't have the time. i haven't had the time to do the (some) of the things that i wanted to do. i feel like i've lost my focus. there are a lot of things i want to continue to pursue (i.e skating, travelling). everyone has his/her wants. i think mine is relatively simple. i really appreciate the simple things in life. it doesn't take too much to make me happy. really. (but that doesn't mean i don't get annoyed with things.)

i am not going to quit my blog just yet. i may not feel up to it to update my blog on a regular basis, but that doesn't mean i ought it quit it altogether.

i think i'm going through a quarter life crisis right now. for those who are not familiar with it, there is a book and a website on that topic too. i guess that's typical of people of my age. i'm not sure what i should be doing or whether i'm actually doing what i ought to be doing. wait, who cares about what i ought to be doing? am i doing what i want to be doing? i guess for the most part, i don't have any complaints because i'm not really restricted to pursue what i wanted to do (although as expenses/financial consideration becomes a hindrance for wants like travelling). and, besides the career aspect, what about the social life, love life, educational life, and well, just life in general.

but at the very least, i have a pretty good and challenging job which keeps my mind off things and takes care of the bills (car payments really dent my "attempt" to save). my birthday is also coming up, which makes me think about what direction i wanted to take. do i go to grad school (part-time)? take classes that i'm interested in? i just feel like what i choose to do now will affect me later on in the future (if i want to change my career, i'd better make up my mind) so i'm thinking about my decisions cautiously.

and well, there is just so much more on my mind that i'm willing to share here because it gets too personal. sometimes i feel that life treats me kindly and at other times, i realized just how cruel it can be too. sometimes, it's just not fair. then again, no matter how hard i may have it (things not typical for people my age), i realized that there are bound to be others who have it even worse. i guess it doesn't really matter; i guess it all made appreciate the valiant efforts everyone put up in their fight against their struggles. (that'd probably take away just a bit of my usual optimism, maybe...)

and who says that it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all? (yes, i can and understand where it comes from), but really, but who's to argue otherwise? if you have never loved at all, then you wouldn't know the pain that comes from having loved and lost, right?

and yes, relationships are still complicated. even friendships.

and for some reason, i think some people that i'm perfect or completely innocent. i'm not. no one is perfect and no one is completely innocent. and while i am happy with myself, i'm far from perfect. now please leave me alone.

on the bright side, i've joined the gym through my corporate membership, and i'm absolutely loving it.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Ah! Relationships are just too complicated. Even friendship. I give up. I'm just tired.

P.S. Walk for Hunger tomorrow. It's my sixth year and I'm psyched about it. I'll be there rain or shine.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

"Life sucks and then you die."

If you didn't know me in person, you would think I'm moody.

I am usually in a good mood. I am happy about a lot of things. I like my life (most parts), I like my job. I love my familiy and friends.

But that doesn't mean those things can't weigh me down a bit. Don't get me wrong. I take a very simple view of life (despite its complexity), and I believe that any "problem" can be solved (it's only a matter of time depending on how difficult the problem might be. Sometimes it can be a "lifetime"). Still, that doesn't mean I can't feel like crap - like today.

While I'm happy on most days, I am not today. And I just want to rant about it. No, I don't want to go into the details, so I am going to sulk it up and use this space to help me clear my head a bit.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Mine is crystal heart
Heart of Crystal

What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, February 14, 2004

I was afraid that as I grow older, I would forget a wondrous feeling that makes me feel tingly and giddy all over.

I haven't lost it, because I still feel it...right at this moment: Despite everything, I am still very much in love with the world. And you couldn't wipe away that silly grin off my face even if you try. :)

(and no, this has nothing to do with a significant other even though it's Valentine's Day)

Sunday, January 04, 2004

It's 2004! Happy New Year!

Blog Update
It's been some time since I've updated this blog. I don't feel bad about it, because I've realized a long time ago that it is better to update it when I want to, not when I feel obligated to or write simply to take up space. In fact, that was the reason why I finally decided to end my last blog.

I have been writing in my diary, albeit not as frequently as I intended. It has its benefits since I could write names and tell stories which are too personal to tell online (or if I reveal too much information, it might just come back to haunt me later on). And, of course, there are some things that I wish to keep personal.


There have been many changes since my last few entries. I started a job almost a month ago in a different field.

At that time, I had two job prospects. One is in IT (my field of study) and is considered my "dream" job. The company's ideals and philosophies align with my values, and the hours/benefits are similar to those at my last job. It's the type of work that I hoped to get when I first decided to pursue my degree in Computer Information Systems. It was as perfect a match as it could possibly get.

The hiring manager was looking for someone with my experience and background. I, on the other hand, was genuinely interested in the position. I had only recently resigned from my last job out of necessity and was not yet looking for a job just for the sake of having a job. I knew how THAT felt though, since I was unemployed for some months after my college graduation. It gave me an understanding that I might not have otherwise if I had gotten a job immediately after graduation. The taste of being unemployed is one I hope I shall never forget (even in good times).

Anyway, the hiring manager and I got along surprisingly well. I knew the hiring manager wanted to hire me, but it was just not meant to be. The VP of Operations decided to put the position on hold, as they are going through organizational changes. Still, I take some comfort to know that I must have done something right to be invited for the interviews. They had received over 400 resumes and interviewed three (I was the third and the last). Maybe I should've been angry that the company didn't figure out if the position is approved before they start the interviewing process, but I'm not. After all, I've really enjoyed the interviews...

Luckily for me, I have been interviewing at another company concurrently and was given a competitive offer. I had a pleasant conversation with the HR person, and I think she was surprised to hear that I have received another offer (given this economy). She told me that if I ever see this position relisted and if it's not working out at my job, then I should feel free to contact her *directly*.

If the scenerio indeed happens, I honestly don't know what I'd do. On one hand, I feel a sense of loyalty to my current employer. After all, they hired (or invested) in me, right? On the other hand, could I pass up an opportunity if it falls on my lap? My dream job, no less? Now, is this what is considered an ethical dilemma? :) Obviously, there are lots of other variables to consider - do I get along with my coworkers? do I like my job? is there career growth? I wonder...but maybe things would be clearer when/if I'm in that position to make that decision? Fortunately, I don't have to. :D

I watched the Return of the King and loved it! I have been looking forward to December every year for the last two years...and now that it's over, I can't help but feel a hint of sadness in my heart. Still, I've purchased the books to read at my leisure. In fact, I finished The Hobbit this weekend. I've never read it before, and it's a dandy good adventure book! Maybe I'll write more on this and the movie when I have time...

New Year Resolutions
I don't believe in New Year resolutions and don't make them. Still there are some things that I'd like to remind myself:

- I ought to be brave and try out more new things; meet more people
- Be kind (and no, that doesn't mean I am a mean person now. At least I hope not). ;)
- Travel
- I have a beautiful picture frame given to me from my sister on my birthday this year. I keep it on my bedside table, and it has the quote, which I hope to remind myself often: "May God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things that I cannot change, the COURAGE to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference".

Here's to a safe, healthy and happy new year!
